Thursday 7 June, 2007

What sets a winner apart?

Winners have the ability to step back from the canvas of their lives like an artist gaining perspective. They make their life a work of art - an individual masterpiece.
With what other better quote could have I started my article?
I have always tried to fathom the mystery behind these charismatic personalities called Winners They seldom fail to capture your attention,
They seem to be good in everything that they do
I have always wondered about the secret of their splendid persona.
And I would like to present my ponderings to you
Any book, any website or any person I asked gave me the same answer.
Be Positive.
But what is being positive? What is it that I should be thinking in order to be positive?
Let me tell you what I think.
All of us dream don’t we? Winners start their journey in the same way, with a dream.
I had written a poem when I was young which said that our dreams are nothing but our alter egos that take the form of a bird and move towards their destination. From there they attract us until the entire idea manifests itself completely in our mind. Then we start our actual journey towards our goal and that’s when we meet with impediments. This is exactly where the positive thinking comes into picture.
There is a story of a donkey which fell into the well accidentally. The owner who owned the donkey didn’t know what to do. He finally decided that the donkey was too old and the well was too dangerous and needs to be closed. So he started closing the well. The Donkey understood what was happening and started crying horribly. Then he stopped crying and did a surprising thing. With every shovel of dirt that was thrown down at him he simply shook it off and took a step up. He continued the process until he was completely out of the well and totted off.
I am sure most of us have come across this story but a few would have realized that this story teaches us the most important lesson on positive thinking.
When life pushes us down into a well the first and foremost thing to do is to stop whining. Because only when we suppress all our negative thoughts can we divert our thoughts towards productive thinking.
Secondly be brave and bold and shake off all the dirt that is thrown upon you and take a step up. With every step we take we will become intellectually stronger.
Thirdly we should not loose our heart midway. We should continue the whole process until we reach our goal.
The third most important thing for a winner is Confidence. Are you familiar with thoughts like what if my manager is not happy with me, what if my manager upbraids me for my work, what if I forget my speech when I come on stage, what if I make a fool of myself in front of everybody. If you are then you lack confidence.
I am simply in love with this Quote which says that “Confidence is not an emotion by itself; it simply means lack of fear” because it is so completely true.
All of us have grown up listening to the story of a giant invading a village, all the villagers shy away from the giant thinking that they cannot defeat him. In the end there is always a nobody who comes and conquers the giant. Have u realized that all these stories have been teaching the lesson of confidence all along?
The nervous thoughts are the villagers who shy away from the giant. The spirit that pops within us and encourages us is the nobody. It is only then that the “Giant”ish problem seems conquerable.
The fourth most thing for a winner is to learn to laugh at himself. By doing so we will be making the herculean task of forgiving ourselves easy. Nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes. I am sure most of us have faced a situation where we would have found it difficult to forgive ourselves. Forget and forgive because it’s only after you forgive yourself you move on to the next step of competing with yourself.
The last and the most important point is to Smile. By smiling we will be telling the world that we are positive and confident individuals ready to take on the world.
Believe me none of the ifs, buts, what ifs, fears, insecurities are true.
There is only one thing that is completely true. “U can achieve whatever you think you can”
If you believe only then will you dream and only then will you dare and only then can the entire Universe Conspire to help you. Courtesy Bible of Dreamers, The Alchemist.
So my friends I conclude telling “Do not give up on your dreams”


Aditi Bhagwat said...

Love the opening quote. When you treat your life like a work of art, you often stop and look at what is happening at each stage.

But however much its great to be a dreamer; winners are the ones who wake up and chase these dreams. But i agree dreaming is the first step.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.........good inspiring sayings and thoughts.........even i agree with the statement......that dreaming is the first step. Keep up the good work magale......

Anonymous said...

Great work Shewtha!!

Sri photos said...

Hi Shwetha, this is the first blog i read of yours.... its great and truly inspiring for people around.... keep up the good work...

There is also another proverb "The ultimate measure of a man is not measured at the time of comforts, but rather at the time of challenge and controvercy"
So dreaming of goal is the start and pursuing with determination, hope and faith and responding to the situations appropriately will lead us to our destination. This faith, persuverance, one pointedness is very important.
