chaos & coding...
Complexities & coding
Confusion & coding
Coding , coding, coding & coding
I was so fed up with all of them that I decided it was high time I added a few more c’s
Companionship, Celebration, comfort, comedy and a bit of color.
And with that came the pleasant Friday evening, when a bunch us decided to take all the good c’s with us and head towards the country side for a peaceful, adventurous weekend.
The Arrangements were made, a Quails was hired and off went the party zooming along on NH4.
There was still a dull buzz going on in the back of my head. The images of the events of the day, the meetings, project details, the design, and code still kept flashing across my mind. The sounds of the office, the cafeteria, the Bangalore traffic still running in the back of my head were now accentuated by the steadily growing peals of laughter around me.
Slowly but steadily the chaotic feeling of arduous monotony was being replaced by the warmth seeping across my heart, A feeling arising from the fact that I hadn’t met any of my friends for over a year, but when I did it felt like I had seen them only yesterday.
The highway seemed to disappear under the wheels of the quails at a very fast pace.
It seemed to mimic my life which too kept disappearing under the wheels of time, just as fast. Across miles and miles of grey stretch, monotonous and continuous,
But today seemed different, it looked like I had stumbled upon a refreshment joint.
A warm, friendly one, promising lots of fun.
So when I looked at the highway stretching wide in front of me, both the real and the metaphor, I could not help but smile.
The Qualis
The Highway
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